The Clark County Elections Department failed a ballot signature verification test conducted by Las Review-Journal columnist Victor Joecks.
“Clark County election officials accepted my signature on eight ballot return envelopes during the general election,” Joecks wrote. “It’s more evidence that signature verification is a flawed security measure.”
The issue has come to a head after a Clark County woman reported someone else had sent in her ballot and signed her name, and a dead woman reportedly voted.
Joecks said in his handwriting he signed the voter’s names who then copied his writing onto the ballots. Of the nine ballots Joecks said eight were processed.
When Joecks brought his findings to Clark County Registrar Joe Gloria’s office he was told the office does not have an investigation team to look into such allegations.
“So if a criminal doesn’t admit he committed voter fraud, Clark County is unlikely to find out about it,” Joecks said. “Willful ignorance isn’t an election security strategy.”